As mentioned in my previous entry, I recently attended a conference in London and then took a couple of days to go to Paris. I had a fabulous time seeing all of the sites! And Europe is so rich with culture, history and beautiful architecture. I wouldn’t trade last week for anything!! But I don't want to use this to tell you about all of the tourist stops I made. I feel the need to comment on everything else. LoL. I apologize now for the length of these entries, but I was there for a week and so much happened! But, to make things easier, I’ve split things up as best I could…
I’ll Never Fly Coach Again! - OK, I guess I probably will since I’m not “big ballin”, but t

hat’s the way I felt after my trip over there. I was able to fly business first since it was for work. I had flown 1st class before, but this took the cake. What service! My own TV to watch & I swear dinner & breakfast were 5 courses each. And then I reclined my seat all the way back… That was the best night’s sleep I had had in 2 weeks. And just another note, if you ever fly business class you don’t need to pack any toiletries. They give you everything you need!
Fanatics! - It was totally cool to be in Europe (specifically England and France) while Wimble

don, Tour de France, Running of the Bulls and the World Cup were all going on. And I thought Texans were crazy about their football. We’ve got nothin’ on Europeans and their soccer! It was absolutely crazy! So, as I heard so many times during my trip…
England ‘til I die! Vive la France!
Haute Couture – Well, not quite. I could definitely tell I wasn’t in America anymore when I took notice of the fashion. I can’t count how many girls I saw with leggings and denim mini skirts on. And a lot of men in Paris carry what we would call a “man purse”. As 1 of my friends pointed out, maybe it’s because guys there wear their pants so much tighter than here and they don’t have any room to put stuff in their pockets.
Bon Appetite! – I really was not too happy with the food in London. Breakfast at our hotel was probably the worst. Blood sausage, uncooked bacon, pork & beans? And then the juice glasses were the size of shot glasses. So by the time you were done eating you had about 50 glasses on the table! I was worried while I was there because of the bad food, very small portions (I guess everything IS bigger in Texas) and all the walking I was doing. I can’t afford to lose any weight! LoL! The food in Paris was sooo much better (except for the hard bread, aka baguettes.) Yay quiches & crepes! Unfortunately in both London & Paris they don’t give you free refills on drinks (even water) and everything is so darn expense! How many of you can say you’ve had a $25 hamburger?
Things you won’t find in London and/or Paris (based on my experience): washcloths, outlets in the bathroom, whole shower doors, trash cans, A/C, fans, real bacon, big anything (including drinking glasses & people),

street signs (Where we expect to see street signs, they just point you in the direction of landmarks. The street names are actually on the buildings), ice, syrup, notecards (everyone that gave a speech at the conference used regular 8 ½ x 11 paper) and seemingly crosswalks sometimes