Europe Continued...
The Runaway Cab - So, we’re about to start loading up the cab to go to the train station. Earnest puts his backpack in the trunk, turns around to pick up the suitcase & bam! The cab driver slams on the gas and takes off down the street with the trunk hatch still open!!! We’re all looking at each other like “Did we just get ripped off? Did he just steal Earnest’s backpack? How are we gonna get to the train station?” The hotel hostess then explains to us that a car had tried to pass the cab and knocked the side-view mirror off. So the cabby took off to chase the guy down. Total craziness!! Luckily, he found a witness, returned to take us to the train & Earnest’s backpack hadn’t fallen out of the trunk during the chase.
The craziest/funniest thing we saw – We were riding the subway in London when this older couple got on with a baby a stroller. Not out of the ordinary, except that the baby was looking around the entire ride all crazy. I swear if the baby could talk he would have said “I don’t know these people and I don’t know where I am. Please call the police because I’ve been kidnapped!” And honestly, I didn’t know that babies that age could make facial expressions like that but this one did.
Craig D
avid – For those of you who don’t know, I am a HUGE Craig David fan. When I found out I’d have a chance to go to London I was extra excited. He recently released an album (only available in the states on iTunes) so I figured he’d probably be on tour while I was in Europe. Unfortunately, he was on a break from his tour while I was over there. But there was 1 small consolation. 1 of the guys that I met at the conference not only knows the area where he lives, he also knows someone who went to school with him. So, now I can say I know somebody who knows somebody who knows Craig David! LoL
Randomness – Two funny things that I said while in Paris…
1. Our room is the size of a peanut! I hope the next one isn’t the size of a tic tac…(I really have an appreciation for our hotels here now!)
2. If there was a fire in the Louvre, we’d burn up in here trying to find the exit!!! (We decided to skip half of the Egyptian exhibit. So we tried to follow the signs to the exit but they kept sending us in circles. It literally took us about 30 minutes to find our way out!)
And to wrap everything up, I have to give my shout outs to…
The craziest/funniest thing we saw – We were riding the subway in London when this older couple got on with a baby a stroller. Not out of the ordinary, except that the baby was looking around the entire ride all crazy. I swear if the baby could talk he would have said “I don’t know these people and I don’t know where I am. Please call the police because I’ve been kidnapped!” And honestly, I didn’t know that babies that age could make facial expressions like that but this one did.
Craig D

Randomness – Two funny things that I said while in Paris…

1. Our room is the size of a peanut! I hope the next one isn’t the size of a tic tac…(I really have an appreciation for our hotels here now!)
2. If there was a fire in the Louvre, we’d burn up in here trying to find the exit!!! (We decided to skip half of the Egyptian exhibit. So we tried to follow the signs to the exit but they kept sending us in circles. It literally took us about 30 minutes to find our way out!)
And to wrap everything up, I have to give my shout outs to…
- Reuben – Our waiter at the London Hard Rock Café
- All of my friends from Induction
- The new friends I made while at the conference
- LJB – Have to thank the Lord
- Frederic & his Uncle Mike who lives in Paris for showing us around
- My travel companions, Earnest & Crystal. Earnest (aka Rasta Mon) was our photographer. Crystal was our linguistic expert (since I named her the keeper of my French phrase book). And I was the navigator and provided the audio commentary on the tours.
I wouldn’t have had such a great time if I had gone with anyone else! You two are crazy funny! Much luv to y’all and remember… We’ll always have Paris! :)
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