Hot Mess Award 2-18-07
Yes, the awards are back! And the nominees are...

1. McDonalds: Before Valentine's Day Mickey D's had a commercial encouraging people to give that special someone one of their gift cards. I don't know about you, but so help me if someone gave me a McDonald's gift card for Valentine's Day! I'd much rather just get a $3 or $4 Hallmark greeting card. That's great and everything if you know your significant other goes to McDonald's a lot, but this is not the holiday to give people practical gifts. It's about the romance!

2. Peanut Butter: I'm disappointed to say this, but a recent salmonella outbreak appears to be related to peanut butter. I was disappointed because y'all know I love me some peanut butter! This breakout has apparently affected 300 people in about 40 states. So, the FDA has ordered a recall of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter. Phew! Luckily I'm a Jif girl. ;)
3. My Ghetto Smoothie King: So, I was thinking that I was going to make a quick trip through the drive thru at Smoothie King, pick up my Caribbean Way, and be on my merry way. But noooo, his royal highness had something else in mind. When I pull up I see there are several cars in line, so I decided to park and go inside. I open the door and there are about 6-8 people in line. But it doesn't take that long to make a stupid smoothie, so I thought, so I decided to wait... and wait... and wait... We were waiting so long that (and I swear this is the truth) the couple behind me started snacking on a bag of rice cakes off the shelf. It turns 0ut their blenders weren't working! That's all they have to do at Smoothie King is blend, so how come none of the 10 blenders they have were working???!!!
And the winner is... The guy who tried to pick me up at the gas station yesterday: This guy that is 15+ years older than me comes up and asks me the time. I tell him while I'm thinking in my head "I'm gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt until he proves otherwise. He really just wants to know what time it is." Then (surprise, surprise) he goes into the usual "You got a man? Is he treating you right? Can't I just be your friend in case things don't work out?" bit. I tell him I'm not interested. This scenario has happened before, so no big deal, right? Well then he walks across the street to Carmen's 24 Hour Boutique and Video!!! Hot mess!