Know Who You’re Dealing With
Now my mother always told me “If you don’t know somebody, you better know someone who does”. She makes a really good point. Especially when you first meet someone you really have no clue what this person is about. I really don’t see anything wrong with asking questions and doing some investigating. Here are some perfect examples…..
1.) I met a guy at the club. Now y’all know I have a thing for accents and where was he from… Jamaica. We talked, exchanged numbers, but then I came to my senses a couple days later… “I don’t pick up guys in the club and I don’t want him to get the wrong impression of me.” But I was still going to be nice and see what happened. Well one day he left a message. I decided to “get envelope information” from his message because my phone had been off so I didn’t see what time he had called. You know how when you first setup your voicemail it asks you to record your name? Well, it plays that recording when someone retrieves information about your messages. I heard his recording of his name and not only did his voice not sound Jamaican, but it wasn’t the name he gave me!
2.) Bridget met this guy at a party who was in grad school. They had a nice conversation, exchanged numbers, and planned to possibly hang out in the future. During one of their conversations the next week he was saying something about a school holiday and when finals were. Something just didn’t feel right with him overall, so I went to the school’s website to check the academic calendar for her. After I looked at the calendar I said “Girl, he is lying to you!” LoL. What he said didn’t match up with the academic calendar. Now was he really in school?.......
3.) We’ve all heard these crazy stories about women who marry men without truly knowing who they are. “I never would have thought he was a serial killer. But you know, come to think of it, I never met his relatives or his friends.” All of this after she just found out that he had been previously married and killed his first family. What is wrong with people?!
Lesson learned: There’s nothing wrong with googling someone’s name (don’t act like you haven’t done it before) or using any other means to investigate someone when you want to find out if they’re legit. It’s better to know if someone is BSing you from the get-go.
1.) I met a guy at the club. Now y’all know I have a thing for accents and where was he from… Jamaica. We talked, exchanged numbers, but then I came to my senses a couple days later… “I don’t pick up guys in the club and I don’t want him to get the wrong impression of me.” But I was still going to be nice and see what happened. Well one day he left a message. I decided to “get envelope information” from his message because my phone had been off so I didn’t see what time he had called. You know how when you first setup your voicemail it asks you to record your name? Well, it plays that recording when someone retrieves information about your messages. I heard his recording of his name and not only did his voice not sound Jamaican, but it wasn’t the name he gave me!
2.) Bridget met this guy at a party who was in grad school. They had a nice conversation, exchanged numbers, and planned to possibly hang out in the future. During one of their conversations the next week he was saying something about a school holiday and when finals were. Something just didn’t feel right with him overall, so I went to the school’s website to check the academic calendar for her. After I looked at the calendar I said “Girl, he is lying to you!” LoL. What he said didn’t match up with the academic calendar. Now was he really in school?.......
3.) We’ve all heard these crazy stories about women who marry men without truly knowing who they are. “I never would have thought he was a serial killer. But you know, come to think of it, I never met his relatives or his friends.” All of this after she just found out that he had been previously married and killed his first family. What is wrong with people?!
Lesson learned: There’s nothing wrong with googling someone’s name (don’t act like you haven’t done it before) or using any other means to investigate someone when you want to find out if they’re legit. It’s better to know if someone is BSing you from the get-go.
At 3/13/2006,
Anonymous said…
That dude could've been calling from someone else's phone. LOL
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